International Organisation, Irregular Migration, Undocumented Migrant

“In light of the fact that irregular migration is not a crime and irregular migrants are not criminals per se, the use of the expression ‘illegal migrant’ should be avoided at all costs. The UN General Assembly Resolution No. 3449 of 9 December 1975 recommended that stakeholders avoid using the term ‘illegal’ to describe migrants in an irregular situation.

Using incorrect terminology that negatively depicts individuals as ‘illegal’ contributes to the negative discourses on migration, and further reinforces negative stereotypes against migrants. Moreover, such language legitimates a discourse of the criminalisation of migration, which in turn, contributes to the further alienation, marginalisation, discrimination and ill treatment of migrants on a daily basis.”

– UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, during the Panel Discussion on International Migration and Development, June 25th, 2013, New York

Italy, Undocumented Migrant

Follow-Up: Italy Calls on the EU for Help Dealing with Irregular Migration

Just over an hour ago, Bloomberg reported how, after a meeting between European Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem and Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano today, the EU has agreed to spearhead a new program through its Frontex border management agency to alleviate the strain put on Italy’s navy in its efforts to control irregular migration flow in the Mediterranean Sea.

This is not only a step in the right direction to deter lives being lost by those travelling this dangerous route, but a step in the right direction for the public perception of the EU. The EU listened, and tangible action has been taken, and that is all we truly could have wanted.

The new program itself is still being finalised, and exactly what it will entail is still unknown. I, however, will stay hopeful, and not to mention excited for the impact it can have on helping those who travel irregularly.

What are your thoughts on this tangible action taken by the EU. I love hearing your thoughts, which is why you can always email me at or tweet me @transitnational. 

Italy, Undocumented Migrant

Italy Speaks Out: We Need More Help From the EU

Just over a month ago, Greek Public Order Minister Vassilis Kikilias appealed to the EU for more funding to help alleviate the 800 percent increase in the number of irregular migrants arriving in Greece. Now, as stated in this Huffington Post article, the country of Italy is following in its footsteps as Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano has recently echoed the Greek Minister’s demands verbatim.



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Greece, UK, Undocumented Migrant

The Cost of Irregular Migration

“It is a grand European project, born of integrationist ideals yet undermined by participants’ unwillingness to share costs as well as benefits.”

This is the lead taken from an article recently written in The Economist titled “Illegal Immigration: Europe’s huddled masses.” Despite the magazine’s outdated use of the “I” word, the article brings the issue of irregular migration to the forefront, subtly pointing the finger towards the EU, and its richer, more developed member states.

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Undocumented Migrant

Immigration: Let’s end the “I” Word

About two years ago, journalist and founder of Define American, an immigration-awareness campaign, wrote a beautiful article for the Times titled “The Problem with the Word Illegal. His argument is logical, beautiful, and more importantly, resounding as he explains that being undocumented in the US is a civil offence, not a crime, yet the dehumanising word “illegal,” continues to be used, sometimes even as a tool for politicians. He says:

(How can using illegal immigrant be considered neutral, for example, when Republican strategist Frank Luntz encouraged using the term in a 2005 memo to tie undocumented people with criminality?)

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