International Organisation, Irregular Migration, Undocumented Migrant

“In light of the fact that irregular migration is not a crime and irregular migrants are not criminals per se, the use of the expression ‘illegal migrant’ should be avoided at all costs. The UN General Assembly Resolution No. 3449 of 9 December 1975 recommended that stakeholders avoid using the term ‘illegal’ to describe migrants in an irregular situation.

Using incorrect terminology that negatively depicts individuals as ‘illegal’ contributes to the negative discourses on migration, and further reinforces negative stereotypes against migrants. Moreover, such language legitimates a discourse of the criminalisation of migration, which in turn, contributes to the further alienation, marginalisation, discrimination and ill treatment of migrants on a daily basis.”

– UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, during the Panel Discussion on International Migration and Development, June 25th, 2013, New York
