
Switzerland’s Domino Effect After Announcement of EU Immigration Quotas

It all started with the announcement that EU net migration in Switzerland hit a record high in the year 2013. This, coupled with an energetic billionaire spearheading the right-wing populist People’s Party of Switzerland with a Swiss initiative called “Against Mass Migration,” thrown in, eventually led to a referendum this past February. The people voted, and 50.3% of the country desired to start imposing EU immigration quotas starting 2017. The decision was immediately followed by a fews bangs and shuffles, starting with tangible anger emanating from the EU as this was in direct violation of a bilateral treaty pact that allows the free movement of people between the Union and the country. This, in turn, was followed by a potential “promise,” from Swiss President Didier Burkhalter to hold a new referendum on its immigration policy after it failed to reach an agreement with the EU.

Time has passed since all this took place , and 2017 seems so far away, but the effects of the future quotas are happening now – and they spell trouble for this famously neutral country.

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